Monday, January 11, 2010

Earthquake footage - pump up the volume

The story in the Hebrides is freezing rain. Time to stay indoors and be thankful for your source of heat.

The story hereabouts is the earthquake. We felt it 200 miles away so those folks in Ferndale, Eureka, Arcada...were rockin' and rollin' big time. That section of the coast is a favorite of ours. An earthquake feels a lot MORE INTENSE in person than it looks on the videos. You have no way of knowing if it is a small tremor or if it will turn into something more.

It would be amazing to watch a redwood forest move in an earthquake - talk about a spiritual experience! What about those folks in sailing and fishing boats out in the Pacific - hold on and ride it out mate!

Video below shows the aftermath of the earthquake (and like the music plays mother earth was "pumpin' up the volume". I have never heard of MAARS but the music is super fun - see, I appreciate more than just "that Scottish stuff").

Footage from the security cameras at the Times-Standard in Eureka CA. Visit for full coverage of the 6.5 magnitude quake on 1-9-10.

The awesome dog is Sophie and she is actually taking off to find her owner, the second girl out the door. Sophie did a lap around the room until she found her and stayed right behind her as they left the building. Sophie can also be seen running behind her owner out the door in the stairwell video below. What a good dog!

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