MacLennan's video has absolutely no relevance to the topic at hand, I just like it.
It's been ages since my last entry. Work and family duties have kept me dog tired.
When I started this blog, I began collecting the California quarter with John Muir's likeness. It's actually his backside on the backside of the coin, depending on how you see it. :))) I routinely check all quarters that pass through my hands, and it has been months and months and months since I have come across John. Until today. Today I found three! Eureka!
My count to date is now at a lucky 13. What is my eventual plan for these quarters? I am not quite sure; I just know they will come in handy. Someday when I finally set foot on the Outer Hebrides, I might simply give them to a schoolteacher for her kids. John Muir was a native of Scotland who loved California and made it his home. I envision the teacher giving each student a coin when they are learning about Muir - she could mention his legacy in both countries. Whether or not they would find it interesting I do not know, I can only assume. It just would be personally satisfying to share something tangible these kids might never otherwise have. Besides, my mother taught me to never visit empty handed - aways leave something small and thoughtful behind.

John Muir's quarter is the only coin I collect. However, the golden dollar honoring Sacagawea is really beautiful and meaningful so I might just have to collect a few of them as well. The US Mint just released a revised Sacagawea dollar with a different reverse replacing the standard flying eagle with a native woman sowing seeds in a field of corn, beans and squash (the Three Sisters). Very nice! I do not know when or if it will show up in the general circulation, as it is only issued by the Mint and not the Federal Reserve. Sadly, my bank will not be getting any. This lovely coin is only available for purchase from the Mint for an additional cost and for a limited time.

Sacagawea was the Shoshone First American who guided Meriwether Lewis and William Clark for thousands of miles on their arduous exhibition from North Dakota to the Pacific Ocean from 1804-1806. Her ‘husband’ was a French trapper hired by Lewis and Clark. She was an invaluable bonus! Her presence alone signaled their peacefully intentions with the natives. She translated/interpreted/negotiated with the tribes they encountered on their journey, including her own brother whom she had not seen since she was kidnapped as a young girl. She not only saved the party from being killed, her knowledge of native sources of food saved them from hunger. She bravely survived and assisted Lewis and Clark, all the while carrying her sweet papoose on her back. Her life's story is heart wrenching, timeless and inspirational to women worldwide. She was sold and bought like chattel, abused, neglected, loved, and ultimately respected and admired. She spoke Shoshoni, Hidatsa, English and French. By all accounts she maintained her dignity and self worth. She is a true American legend and much loved.
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