Saturday, May 17, 2008


Something just came over me. I had resisted for years and finally decided the timing was right much to the shock and disbelief of my sons (and myself). Even though I am a complete person all by myself, I do love a relationship, but only one with unconditional love and the complete knowledge my kids are a bonus, not a liability. One that sticks thru the good and the bad and does not care if I am not perfect. Not so easy to find. That's not to say I would turn away from the two legged kind if fate was kind, but I have not the energy right now to devote myself to an unknown.

Cute little Shep caught my eye but there was just no chemistry. And then there was pretty Mai Tai, a small German Shep mix some idiot never claimed. So smart and calm for a 1 year old and past the bulk of the puppy training stage. Knew 'sit' and 'down' and walked well on a leash and most important did not bother or show much interest in the shelter cats. Because she was so well behaved, she got to spend time in the shelter front office and was much loved by the staff. It takes some time to go through the adoption process and while I was there I got to name two tiny adorable kittens. Duncan and Dougie. (Duncan after my Great Great Uncle and Dougie after Dougie MacLean.) Pretty fun stuff. So I signed adoption papers, she got microchiped... and the two of us went to Pet Co (they give discount coupons to those who adopt from the shelter) and bought a bunch of doggie stuff (she picked out her toys herself) and went home. Brian was in the living room and the look on his face was pure joy when we walked through the door. I had not told a living soul of my wild hair idea to bring a dog into the family. With Tasha kitty so old at 18 I did not want to bring home a kitten as she would get pestered and deserves better. Lily (renamed by Brian as Mai Tai was just a shelter name) just sniffs Tasha and then leaves her alone. She listens well and so far has left Tasha's food and box alone. I cannot imagine who would abandon such a nice dog; she was well taken care of, shows no signs of abuse. She is so smart and willing to please and will even 'shake' her paw when asked. She sits in the back seat of the car-no pacing or acting up at all. Both boys love her and is my not so secret weapon in waking them up in the morning. She got a bath and has settled into her new home. Granted I have known men with dogs, but it's been many years since I shared my life full time with one. We have had a couple of setbacks which is expected (she thought the towels drying on the line were her play toys) but all is well. In her behalf we have had gusty winds so they must have been flapping madly. (Now, in the lovely Scottish islands they have REAL wind, the kind that blows the rain sideways (no kidding), so our gusts are not so much.) I hope the vet will have a better idea of what is her other breed. She does not have the fluffy tail and fluffy hind quarters of a Shepard - and the shedding is very minimal (thankfully). Memo to self - take photos.

Bringing her home meant I had to finally get off my butt and fix the fences and gate and I am quite satisfied with my carpenter skills. We had a very early hot spell (in the high 90s, maybe broke 100! Yuck.) so it was a sweaty job but now it is done. There are a couple more boards I need to replace in due time as the cedar is rotten out in spots. I am sure the fence on the north side will fall down next winter so I am not wanting to put too much money into boards. The south fence fell down this past winter and my neighbor and I shared the cost in a new one. Thankfully, my insurance paid for the bulk of it. I saved a couple of unused kick board which came in handy!

In just a few years the boys will be gone and if I was going to get a dog, it would have to be now. They play with her and wear her out. She is so much fun to have around and I am sure my blogs will contain some news of her doings from time to time.

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